Lunch time

Usually Candace makes lunch for me on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I have to go to work from nine until eleven and at eleven I have class until twelve-fifteen. Then at twelve-thirty I have to go to back to work. So Candace goes home and prepares food for me. What a great wife. Well, this last Thursday she made another meal for me. She made me a sandwich and a pickle on the side, some pretzels and a dessert. Maybe she was trying to be funny, and I was laughing when I saw it. She put 3 marshmallows in a zip log bag and labeled it Dessert. I thought it was funny. That is why i posted it.


azHarline said…
that is so funny-i don't know why! maybe i am just tired. but thanks for the laugh.
Elizabeth said…
Random, but quite funny!
Lifeisapitch said…
pretty good dessert! She should have given you 4, though!

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