Family Visit and Halloween party at Disneyland
Emery and I had a great time visiting family in Southern California for the week. As soon as we got in we stopped off at Randy's donuts. I'd heard about it before and since it was right by the airport, we decided to try it out. It was delicious.
We were able to go to the Reagan Presidential Library after that. I wasn't too excited about it at first, because I thought it was just a library, but it is so much more. They had a miniature version of the White House that is exactly the same as the White House right now. Every piece of furniture and even the pictures on the wall are the same. The detail was incredible.
There was also a life-sized replica of the oval office as it was when Ronald Reagan was there.
They had a museum all about Reagan, and the plane and helicopter that he flew in during his presidency.
The view was amazing as well.
I actually went twice; once with my brother Ben, and the other time with my parents and brother Seth.
My family next to a section of the Berlin Wall.
Disneyland was a blast. It was the best time to go. There were hardly any lines and we went on most of the rides there. Emery also got to go on a third of the rides that we did. It was a Halloween party so we dressed Emery up in her little costume- she was so cute! It kept her warm too, while she was outside all night. She was so good the whole time, and even went through the haunted house with us. She's a brave one.
We got to meet my new niece/Emery's cousin, Alona. She is so cute, and was almost the same size as Emery when she was born. It was crazy to see how little she was; It doesn't even seem like Emery was ever that little.
Our last day there we went to Edward's Air Force base, where my brother Mike works as an engineer. It was neat to be on base and see all the different kinds of planes.