Christmas and Bath Time

We got our Christmas tree yesterday, and spent time last night decorating it. I love it, and our house smells so good now. Emery isn't too interested in the tree. She played with one of the ornaments for a little, and tried to take a string of lights off, but that's about it. We got some shots of her posing by her first Christmas tree. I'm definitely more excited about it than she is, but she'll appreciate it later.

It's really starting to feel like Christmas now that we have our decorations up, and the Mesa temple Christmas lights are on. It is beautiful and I love being able to see them every night.
We take Emery out all bundled up and she looks so cute! She loves to take walks and she will stare at all the lights as we walk past them.

Emery loves bath time. She will go up to the bath and just stare into it, even if the water isn't on. If one of us are taking a shower, she will crawl into the bathroom, stand up and try to pull back the shower curtain.
trying to suck in her stomach

And one more picture in case you weren't sick of all the others. :)


Cheryl said…
It's funny how we are so excited for our babies first Christmases, and they don't seem to really care much. Ha ha.
I love the picture of her sucking in her tummy! Her face is hilarious.
Elizabeth said…
So cute! I also like the sucking in the tummy picture. Hope you are all doing well!
azHarline said…
I love the dress/skirt she is wearing by the tree. I can't get over how cute she is.

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