This past Tuesday, Emery wasn't feeling well for most of the day. She just sat there, or laid in our arms, and slept a lot. Poor little thing. Cisco and she were just watching TV and usually she won't watch it, but she didn't feel like doing anything else so she did this time.
Later on she started feeling better, and she went over and grabbed her stroller for us to take her on a walk. So we decided to go on a short walk. we made it a couple streets over and noticed a huge cloud moving in that looked brown. We were commenting on how weird and big it looked, maybe a mile wide. We didn't think there was any way it could reach us before we got home. We walked maybe a minute or two more and noticed the "cloud" was actually a dust storm and it had already reached us. We had to run the rest of the way home, but still got dust everywhere. It was in our eyes, mouths, and all over our clothes. It was right about sunset when it happened, but it turned everything really dark in just a couple minutes. It was pretty neat, and I tried to get some pictures of it, but they don't really do it justice.
It turns out that the dust storm was actually 50 miles wide, not 1 mile like we thought. haha. Here are some better pictures (not taken by us).

It was pretty crazy, but cool that we got to experience it...And we definitely did experience it.